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Riverside Amputation Lawyer

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Amputations often change every aspect of an individual’s life, and the psychological trauma of losing a body part can be equally painful. At DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo, we’ve seen how amputations affect lives. We can’t undo the loss you have suffered, but we can make the aftermath a little easier.

Our Riverside amputation lawyers handle all claims that arise from amputation-causing incidents. Reach out today for a free consultation.

Amputation Causes

An individual may experience an accidental amputation in the field or a physician may determine the need to amputate because of an incident or illness. In either case, causes of amputations range from natural factors to malicious acts of violence. Someone may experience an amputation as the result of:

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Heavy equipment accidents
  • Work injuries
  • Defective products
  • Animal attacks
  • Assault or assault with a deadly weapon
  • Frostbite
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Medical malpractice

Every case is different, and this list only shows a small number of possible reasons for amputations. Other incidents that do not typically result in an amputation may also fall under this category. Individuals who experience work-related amputations are always eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, and if someone’s negligence was responsible for the injury, the victim may also choose to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. If you were injured at work, reach out to one of our Riverside work accident attorneys today.

Amputation Lawsuit Damages

In a personal injury lawsuit for an amputation resulting from negligence, our attorneys are committed to helping clients obtain compensation to cover the costs of medical treatment, lost past and future wages, reduced quality of life, and pain and suffering.

For many amputees, the recovery process is ongoing long after the initial accident or operation. We help clients with every part of the process including working through paperwork, negotiating with bill collectors and insurers, obtaining qualified medical care, settling claims, and pursuing successful trial verdicts.

The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in California is typically two years from the date of the injury. If you have any questions about your ability to take legal action or if a lawsuit may help you move forward, contact our office at any time and speak to a Riverside personal injury lawyer.

Care After Amputation

Although amputations have become a lot safer and more successful over the last few decades, for many individuals who experience an amputation, the struggle may not end with the formal resolution of a case. For example, 15% of all amputees still get an infection even though patients are routinely given pain medication and antibiotics for prevention. Physical therapy will start soon after the amputation so it is important that amputees also consider counseling to help them heal emotionally.

Diabetes and Amputation

A diabetic patient has a 30 to 40 times higher chance of requiring the amputation of a foot or leg than someone without diabetes. This mainly happens because of the poor circulation resulting from diabetes. Specifically, the decreased circulation may cause infection, gangrene, and other complications. The International Diabetes Foundation stated that over 80,000 foot and/or leg amputations happen annually due to diabetes just in the USA.

Your Riverside Amputation Case Attorney

Our firm has over 30 years of experience practicing in California. We understand personal injury law and the comparative negligence rules of the State of California. Our investigative approach to every case allows us to address injuries from every possible angle. Often, we uncover multiple defendants in a lawsuit which helps our clients maximize their recovery.

We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we won’t accept payment until we secure compensation for you. For a free case evaluation, reach out to our office today at (951) 977-7787 or fill out our online form.

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