Our attorneys have been assisting the Riverside community for over 40 years.
The law firm of DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo knows how difficult this injury must be for you or your loved one. Brain injuries are some of the most complex injuries we can face. You need a Riverside brain injury attorney with experience to be on your side.
Call us today for a free initial consultation to discuss the brain injury case.
Getting the proper medical help is important to make sure you get to maximum medical improvement as soon as possible. We know this brain injury has probably caused a lot of worries for you. We imagine you are concerned about how you are going to afford the ongoing treatment and how you can support your family now and possibly in the future.
We can maximize your potential compensation under the law and protect your legal rights. Our personal injury and work injury law firm in Riverside can start helping you today so call us any time at (951) 977-7787.
According to the Mayo Clinic, traumatic brain injuries are caused by the head or body sustaining a violent blow or jolt or something that causes a penetrating brain injury by either shattering the skull or piercing the skull and striking the brain.
Mild traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, may only affect the brain for a temporary amount of time. More serious traumatic brain injuries, classified as moderate to severe TBIs, often result in brain bruising, torn tissues, or other types of physical damage to the brain. These types of injuries can result in long-term disabilities or even death.
Regardless of whether or not a brain injury is classified as mild, moderate, or severe, the reality is that there are a range of symptoms a person may sustain for a length of time. This includes, but is not limited to:
In addition to these physical symptoms, individuals often suffer from significant emotional and psychological trauma as a result of a brain injury. This can lead to feelings of depression or anxiousness, mood swings, sleeplessness, and more.
It is always traumatic when one’s brain is damaged. There are many causes but here are some of the most common traumatic ones are:
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation states that falls account for twenty-eight percent of brain injuries, automobile accidents and being struck by an object account for about twenty percent of brain injuries each, and violence and bicycle accidents make up a combined fifteen percent. Brain damage can be caused by many forces including a lack of oxygen, poisons, neurological illness, chemotherapy, an aneurysm, the brain injuries listed above, or infection.
Brain injuries can affect the entire brain or just specific regions. Concussions are one type of brain injury that may have some lasting effects. It usually happens because of sudden movement to the brain that stretches the blood vessels and damages cranial nerves. It is the most common type of acquired traumatic brain injury.
A contusion is another possible result of brain injuries. It is a bruise on the brain that may need to be surgically removed if it is too big. Coup-contrecoup brain injuries are brain injuries where there is an injury at the site of the trauma and opposite to it.
Comas are a rather unsettling result of some brain injuries. While in a coma, a patient is in a deep state of unconsciousness where they are unable to respond to stimuli. A person who is comatose is alive but it could take weeks for them to come out of the coma. How a person does after a coma varies widely.
Some recover all their memories and physical functions. Other patients wake from the coma to be in a vegetative state, to be in a stupor or to be in a state where they only recover the very basics of their body functions.
Shaken Baby Syndrome can be a result of Diffuse Axonal Injuries were shaking or moving the head too quickly causes the brain to be damaged while it is being pushed by inertia into the skull walls.
Locked-In Syndrome is very serious as a person cannot move any part of their body except for blinking and moving their eyes.
This has happened when a second brain injury has unfortunately happened before a first brain injury had fully healed. For example, this can happen in the case of a concussion since it can take many months to over a year to fully heal.
Brain injuries are very traumatic and can happen in the blink of an eye. It can happen at work since many people’s jobs involve them working with and around heavy objects, big equipment, electricity, cars, motorcycles, trucks, conveyor belts, tractors, mine equipment, and construction equipment.
The work injury law firm of DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo has over three decades of experience handling workers’ compensation claims as well as personal injury cases for brain injuries. Our Riverside work injury attorneys know how to look for Third Parties that are also partially at fault for your brain injury and include them in your case to maximize your potential compensation.
All injuries to the head or brain are important and need immediate medical attention. The following list is just a short list of signs that may show that the injured person has a severe brain injury: a headache that lingers, convulsions, dilation of both or just one pupil, lightheadedness, slurred speech, tired eyes, weak or numb extremities, loss of coordination, confusion, agitation, aphasia, listlessness, unequal pupil size, irritability, and/or vomiting/nausea.
The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to rate the severity of brain injuries and the level of consciousness for a brain injury victim. It has to do with verbal, motor, and reactions to stimuli for the eyes. A three to eight score signals severe brain injury, a nine to twelve signals moderate brain injury, and a thirteen to fifteen signals mild brain injury.
The original treatments that doctors or paramedics may do are all meant to stabilize the patient’s head and brain injuries. The first priorities are to stop any bleeding, control the pressure in the skull, remove any big blood clots within the skull and keep the right amount of blood flow getting to the brain.
Additional treatments for brain injuries include restricting the fluid intake of the patient, use diuretics to try to control the amount of water in the body, use anticonvulsants to help prevent seizures from happening due to all the extra activity in and around the brain, use a ventricular drain and ventricular to help the patient breath while being able to drain some fluids.
Brain surgeons may be called in to perform one of the three most common surgeries for brain injuries. The first is a craniotomy where the surgeon will open the skull to solve the problems that are causing the increased pressure (including swollen brain tissues and blood clots). Burr Holes is another type of brain surgery whose purpose is to remove blood clots while a Bone Flap Removal procedure is another way to relieve pressure.
Individuals who sustained brain injuries caused by the careless or negligent actions of other individuals or entities in Riverside should be able to recover a range of compensation. Our team works diligently to ensure that our clients recover both economic and non-economic losses in these situations. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
There is no set amount of compensation paid to Riverside brain injury victims, but there are various factors that can influence how much money a person receives through a settlement or jury verdict. Some of these factors that can influence the settlement amount include the overall severity of the brain injury, how long it takes a person to recover, the total amount of long-term care needed, the brain injury victim’s occupation and how long they are away from work, and whether or not there was any shared fault for the incident.
Brain injury trials are very complex due to the intricate nation of the brain, and you need brain injury attorneys with experience and a proven track record of success. We would like you to meet a specialized Riverside brain injury attorney at our law firm and let us earn your trust.
We offer a free initial consultation and case evaluation so we can discuss your case, your options, and what our injury firm can do for you. Our law firm conducts its cases on a contingency basis where you will not owe or pay us anything unless we win your injury case.
At DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo we have the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Riverside who will come to you at your home or your hospital room if you are unable to come to our office. We are available to meet during the normal hours of Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm and we will also meet you, by appointment, on Saturdays, Sundays, and in the evening.
Contact us today online or call us at (951) 977-7787.