Our attorneys have been assisting the Riverside community for over 40 years.
When an individual sustains an on-the-job injury, they should be able to recover compensation. The workers’ compensation system in California is robust, and nearly every individual employed is covered by these benefits. However, it is important to understand whether or not injured workers are subject to income tax on the benefits they receive.
Sustaining a workplace injury can lead to significant setbacks, but employees in California are usually able to recover workers’ compensation to pay for their medical bills and a portion of their lost wages. However, getting back to work is also important. When a person who has a sustained an on-the-job injury wants to return to work, there are some tips they should follow to ensure that they do so in a way that benefits their well-being as well as maintains their ability to recover compensation for their losses if needed.
When you sustain a work injury in California, there is a good chance you will be able to recover compensation for your losses, particularly medical bills and a portion of your lost wages. There is good news for those who were at fault for their own injury or think they may have shared fault for a workplace injury – you should still be able to recover compensation.
There is such a thing as “too much work,” particularly when overworking leads to injuries. Our bodies are only made to handle so much at one time, and we can overexert ourselves. Here, we want to review some of the most common injuries caused by overexertion in the workplace. Anyone who sustains a workplace injury should be able to recover workers’ compensation insurance, even for overexertion injuries.
California is an at-will state when it comes to employment. This means that employers can generally terminate a worker without giving a reason, and employees or allowed to leave their job for whatever reason they see fit. However, there are times when an employee faces retaliation in the workplace. This retaliation can result in adverse treatment or even wrongful termination.
If you are injured at work in Riverside or anywhere throughout California, you should be entitled to compensation. The California workers’ conversation system is designed to be a type of “no-fault” insurance. This means that an injured worker should receive benefits for their medical bills, lost income, and disability benefits in the event they sustain an injury at work, regardless of which party caused the injury.